Baby D

I am sorry for being MIA for so's been almost a year it seems. The main thing that happened in these past months was my actual journey to meet my baby, baby D!

After my last post, rest of the pregnancy was almost uneventful, with only small period of slight nausea, and couple of weeks of pregnancy related rashes, PUPPS (which drove me mad). The delivery itself couldn't have gone better either, with her being born within 2 hours of me arriving at the hospital. The first time I met her was magical, and rest of the journey till now hasn't been any less. So far, she has met her growth expectations at each clinic visits, and has so far loved all the day outs we have managed to fit in so far. At eight weeks, she is cooing her heart away, and making our hearts melt with her smile.

I have been lucky that my mom is here for a year, to help me look after her. Still the days just disappear, and each day I silently praise those moms who do it alone. I wasn't able to post during pregnancy as I was too scared to jinx things till the very end, but after she was born, was a bit challenging to get the time. In the future, I intend to regularly post updates about baby D here, lets see how it goes though.